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Forensic Medicine and New Trends

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


This book describes basic knowledge of forensic medicine, toxicology, anthropology, entomology, genetics and biomechanics. The subject matter study is indispensable part of the forensic pathologist and even any doctor's practice in the modern democratic state.

The treatment of each topic is designed to offer practical advice to the doctors. Topics focused on anthropology, biology, genetics and biomechanics comprise the most recent news and interpretations of different findings.

An exact description of laboratory examination methods is not included. The book is divided into nine chapters. 1.

Forensic thanatology focused on the formation of post-mortem changes of forensic importance and estimation of the time since death.; 2.Forensic traumatology focused on the pathology of wounds and interpretations of autopsy findings; 3. Forensic toxicology concerning of the most common intoxications; 4.

Attendance of the doctor at court in civil and criminal cases, as a witness of fact, a professional witness and an expert witness, expert reports; 5. Anthropologic methods focused on the establishment of identity of human remains; 6.

Forensic biology comprises identification of different biological traces including forensic trichology and entomological methods used for estimation of time since death; 7. Forensic genetics; 8.

Forensic biomechanics; 9.The legal aspects of medical practice, changes in the past few years.