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The aplication of Dysport(R) - the possibilities of the side effect on the eyelides position (a clinical - histological study)

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


To inform about the possibility of negative influence of repeated application of the botulotoxine A derivate on the eye lid position with the changes of their tissue structure. Methods: At the Dept. of Ophthalmology in the FH Královské Vinohrady, Prague, there were surgically treated three patients after repeated applications of botulotoxine A derivates.

The first case was bilateral ptosis of upper eyelids; the other two were indicated because of entropium with trichiasis of lower eyelids. In the medical history, there was recorded ten years lasting above-mentioned drug treatment for blepharospasm diagnosis in a 65 years old man introducing bilateral symmetrical ptosis.

Because of the following frontal muscle involvement, and partial decreasing levator palpebrae muscles function, the positioning of the upper eyelids was treated by the aponeurosis plasty with good functional result. In two female patients, aged 72 and 90 years, the indication for successful surgical treatment was chronic entropium of lower eyelids; initially ineffectively treated by means of repeated intradermal injections of botulotoxin A derivates.

Histological examinations of the excided skin and subcutis samples taken during ectropium plasties showed unfavorable and irreversible changes including especially scarring of the eyelid and atrophy of the striated muscles. The indication of botulotoxine A derivates application should be carefully weighted and the proper indication should be chosen.

From the ophthalmologic point of view, blefarospasmus only is the appropriate diagnosis, and the relative indication is the temporary induced ptosis of the upper eyelid closing the interpalpebral fissure to prevent corneal changes in lagophthalmos of various etiologies as an alternative to the tarsoraphy. Always we have to consider the frequency of applications, because repeatedly used derivate of this neurotoxine causes irreversible changes in cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue.