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Resection of tumours from abdominal cavity during laparoscopy

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Removal of an organ or its part from the abdominal cavity represents an important phase of surgery during laparoscopy. In gynaecological laparoscopic surgery, there are a number of situations when a tumour removed from the abdominal cavity has to remain intact.

For this purpose, so-called endobags, disposable plastic bags, are used. Resection of a mass in which malignant changes cannot be ruled out is a separate topic in itself.

Extreme caution is essential here since dissemination of malignant tumour content can substantially deteriorate the prognosis of the disease. Solid tumours, such as myoma, can be removed by morcellation by using special manual or electromechanical laparoscopic instruments (morcellators).

If this equipment is not available, resection of a larger mass from the abdominal cavity may sometimes be a problem. The only approach then is to perform so-called minilaparotomy or resection through the posterior fornix of the vagina by colpotomy.

The article presents an overview of available resection techniques and highlights possible risks.