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Skin substitute Integra(R) in clinical practic

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Burns are among the most serious injuries in all age groups. The treatment of burn is long , challenging and is associated with a number of complications that often leave permanent damage.

Technological developments of the last decades, advances in critical care (intensive care, ventilation, antibiotic therapy, immunology, metabolic and nutritional support, etc.) and create a super-specialized burn centers led to a qualitative improvement in the care of the burn. From a surgical point of view was the significant reduction in morbidity and lethality greatest influence necrectomy early introduction and transplantation of burned areas dermi-epidermis (DE) graft.

This method of treatment is limited by the critically burned patients with disabilities more than 60% of body surface with the gap between the size of the potential donor sites and the extent of the burned skin. DE graft is transferred from the donor site, only a small amount of elastic dermis graft tends to retract, which may lead to the formation of scar contractures.

Permanent scar consequences then require more intensive reconstruction surgeries, slow and often impossible reintegration of the patient into society. The use of artificial skin substitutes Integra is a good modern alternative method of covering large skin defects not only in burn trauma, but also in other serious injuries and conditions accompanied by loss of large areas of skin.