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Child and its social enviroment

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine |


A significant role in the making conditions for the healthy development of a child is played by the family, school and behaviour of peers has an inconsiderable importance. The family defines social status of a child, influences its life style.

According to the statements of the respondents the economic situations of their families is very good. When evaluating their cohabitation with their parents a part of both boys and girls admits a problems with communication.

A high percentage of respondents in all the age groups has said, taht they spend tehir free time with parents at lest once a week, daily in a group of peers. More than a half of participating boys and girls believes, that the classmates are happy together, but an inconsiderable part of respondents admitted, taht it took part in a violent conduct when in a group of classmates or was a victim of such conduct.

The evaluation of behaviour and conduct of teachers changes according to the age of the boys and girls. The fifteen years old pupils rate their relationship with teachers significantly worse.

The group of respondents, which has answered that it is dissatisfied in school states significantly more than other pupils e feeling of tension, nervousness, bad mood.