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Biochemical Identification of Aeromonads

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


To assess the species of the genus Aeromonas in 178 strains isolated from human and animal materials and from the environment (water and hospital environment), examined along with 11 type strains of the best known species, a key was used the basis of which are in addition to biochemical tests defining the genus Aeromonas 12 tests: Voges-Proskauer, lysine decarboxylase, gas from glucose, haemolysis, gluconate oxidation, elastase, arabinose, mannose, saccharose, salicine, esculine hydrolysis, arbutine. Three tests--salicine, esculine hydrolysis, arbutine--differentiate A. hydrophila (2-3 positive) from A. sobria (0-1 positive).