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An epidemiological study of iodine supplementation in newborns and their mothers in three regions of the Czech Republic in the years 1993-1995

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


This was the first epidemiological study in the most risk-prone age group of the Czech population, as far as iodine deficiency is concerned. The Prague and Ústí n/Labem regions were selected as representative of ecologically exposed areas.

The Příbram region used to be a locality with IIIrd grade endemic goitre prevalence at the beginning of this century. After approval of the Hospital Ethical Committee and the written consent of the mothers, normal full-term newborn - mother pairs were examined at 4-5 days after delivery.

The examination comprised the following points according to the protocol: personal and family history, ultrasound examination of thyroid volume and echotexture, hormonal levels (fT4, T3, TSH) and determination of the iodine content in morning urine samples. The median values of ioduria in newborns from Prague were 4.50 μg I/100 ml in 1993 and 6.0 μg I/100 ml in 1994.

The median ioduria of newborns from Přibram was 2.81 μg I/100 ml in 1994. The median values in newborns from Ústí n/Labem were 7.74 μg I/100 ml in 1995.

The ioduria medians in the mothers corresponded to those of their offsprings. In response to this iodine deficiency of the first and second degree, according to the WHO classification, recommendations were issued for providing immediate preventive doses of 100 μg, I/day to all pregnant and lactating mothers.

Iodine enrichment of Czech milk formulas "Feminar" (up to 5th month of life) and Sunar for older babies, including iodine enrichment of other baby food (fruit snacks etc.). No less important is the popularization activity with the aim of informing the general public about the iodine deficiency and health disorders, especially in the most highest group of the population, and about the possibilities of immediate restitution.