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Prolactin plasma levels after neuroleptic challenge predict clinical response in schizophrenic patients

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Till now. the ability of prolactin (PRL) levels to predict treatment response during neuroleptic therapy has been explored with inconclusive results. Studies exploring PRL response in a test dose design are very scarce, PRL response to a chlorpromazine test dose failed to predict the outcome in a study by Meltzer et al. - We have investigated prolactin levels after a single oral dose of isofloxytepin or haloperidol in 29 schizophrenic patients, who were subsequently treated by the same neuroleptic. - In multiple regression analysis the set of 5 variables (baseline PRL level and PRL levels 2 and 6 hours after the test dose, drug group and sex) was significantly related to improvement (R2 = 0.69; F = 6.76; p = 0.0003).

Only baseline PRL and drug group did not contribute significantly, a significant interaction of drug group and PRL levels suggests a different relationship between improvement and prolactin elevation in each treatment group, partial coefficients of determination for PRL levels 2 and 6 hours after the challenge dose and for PRL treatment group interactions were all about 30 %. Patients improved after isofloxythepin had higher PRL levels (52.5 ng/ml) than non-improvers (16.5 ng/ml) after 6 hours.

Methodological constraints of the study and reasons for differences in relationships of prolactin and improvement in various patient groups are discussed