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CSF cytological findings in CNS malignancies

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Cytological and biochemical examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was performed in 1600 samples obtained by lumbar puncture. Into the study patients with suspected neoplasia of the CNS were included.

All samples were examined for the presence of tumorous cells in CSF and other pathological findings. In a large number of patients with malignancies tumorous cells were found, nevertheless, without the presence of malignant cells, monocytic cells was the most frequent cytological pattern.

Other cytological findings were rare. Changes in cytological patterns following treatment of leptomeningeal infiltration by haematological malignancies were observed.

We can highly recommend detailed cytological examination of CSF in patients with malignancies of the CNS, using several staining methods before using more specialised immunocytological methods.