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Viral gastroenteritis

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Viruses are the most frequent etiologic agents of diarrheal diseases in children but can occur in adults, too. Rotaviruses, caliciviruses, adenoviruses and astroviruses rank among certain causative agents, coronaviruses and toroviruses are the presumable etiologic agents.

Acute gastroenteritis with vomiting, watery stools, abdominal cramps and fever is a typical clinical picture. Rotaviruses cause the most severe disease.

Rotaviral infections often lead to dehydration, affect infants and children about two years and have a marked seasonality with a peak in the cold months each year. The treatment is symptomatic, the most important step is rehydration.

New development in the prevention is registration of two rotaviral vaccines in the European Union.