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The pregnancy of patient with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


There is not a lot of cases of successfully ended pregnancy women with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2 in the world. We present our experience with the treatment and the course of pregnancy and delivery of a woman suffering from fully developed autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2 (which represents diabetes mellitus type one, autoimmune Hashimoto tyreoiditis and Addison disease).

It was a planned pregnancy of well metabolic controlled patient. The course of the pregnancy was normal till gestational age 32.

Preeclampsia was the reason for admitting the patient to the hospital as well as the cause for sectio cesarea at gestational age 37. New born child with mild symptoms diabetic fetopathy was treated three days on New-borns Intensive Care Unit.

We assume, that only complex internal and obstetric care of fully compliant patient may lead to the successfully ended pregnancy. and macrovascular complications. In parallel, pharmacological treatment of diabetes, arterial hypertension and dyslipoproteinemias was evaluated for the first time in both types of diabetes.

The study offers valuable epidemiological data on the actual state of diabetic patients in the Czech Republic which may be the source of information being essential for decision on treatment and preventive strategies.