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Imaging of the Biliary Pathways and Pancreatic Duct by Magnetic Resonance in Child Patients

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Magnetic resonance (MR) is a modern diagnostic imaging method which does not use X-ray radiation forproducing the image. At present no side-effects of this examination are known which have a negative effect on thepatients'health.

By suitable setting of parameters of theMRinstrument it is possible to obtain direct "cast" picturesof the biliary pathways and pancreatic duct - MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). Images obtained by thisexamination resemble those obtained during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP).

MRexamination is however a quite non-invasive method. MRCP does not require any contrast substance for imaging.In the submitted paper the authors demonstrate on 34 child patients their experience with the application ofMRCP for examination of the biliary pathways, pancreas and its duct.

The examination was made on a MRinstrument with a magnetic field of 1.5 Tesla using the standard imaging protocol. In the authors' opinionindications forMRCP in child patients are suspected restricted patency of a biliodigestive anastomosis, congenitalanomaly of the biliary pathways (except atresia), liver disease (primary sclerotizing cholangitis, congenital fibrosisof the liver) which have typical changes of the intrahepatic bile ducts, not specified stenoses or dilatations of thebiliary pathways, inflammatory and tumourous diseases of the pancreas, suspected pancreas divisum andposttraumatic complications of the biliary pathways and pancreas.The authors proved a satisfactory information value and universal character of the selected imaging protocoland therefore recommend to include MRCP as the method of choice in the examination algorithm of patients withdiseases of the biliary pathways and pancreas.