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Intravenous treatmnt of postpartal anemia with trivalent ferrum preparation

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Aim of the study: To assess the effectivity and safeness of intravenous treatment of pospartal anemia with trivalent ferrum preparation. Type of the study: Prospective randomized study.

Seat: Department of Obstetric and Gynecology 2nd Medical Faculty Charles University and Teaching Hospital Motol, Prague, and Department of Obstetric and Gynecology lst Medical Faculty and Teaching Hospital Bulovka, Prague. Methods: 500 mg of sacharose ferric oxide (Venofer) was intravenously administered in two days regimen to 50 women with clinical and lab signs of postpartal anemia.

The effect of administered drug was determined by comparsion of values of red blood count recovered before the treatment, 2nd or 3rd day post administration and two weeks later. The serum values of soluble transferrin receptors and ferritin were observed as markers of iron cell saturation and body iron reserves, too.

Integral part of the study was the monitoring of adverse events during the treatment. Results: Venofer came in sight as effective drug in the treatment of pospartal anemia and could become as the alternative to blood transfusion in mid-severe cases.

It should be emphasized that we have not encountered any serious adverse event with intravenous trivalent saccharose ferric oxide treatment.