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Pneumococcal infection in period of vaccination

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Streptococcus pneumonie is worldwide important cause of mortality and morbidity. It occasions in childhood many diseases e.g. frequent otitis media, sinusitis and serious invasive infections diseases: pneumonia, meningitis, bacteremia.

However, isolation of Str. pneumonie is low due to insufficient number of hemocultures withdrawn before beginning of antibiotic treatment. Necessity of active surveillance was evidence for serotyping of isolates and for monitoring the sensitivity to antibiotics because of global increase of resistance.

Conjugate pneumococcal vaccine presents possibility of protection in children aged ? 2 years, who can not be vaccinated by polysaccharide vaccine. This work deals with occurrence of several serotypes and clinical manifestations of pneumococcal infections in children.

Overview of possibilities vaccination for pneumococci involves the data of efficacy of conjugate pneumococcal vaccine and global impact of vaccination.