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Surgical management of solid tumors in the Czech Republic

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Aim: The aim of this work was to point out the role and the significance of surgery in the management of oncology patients in the Czech Republic (ČR). Material and Methodology: Involvement of surgery in the management of patients with solid tumors is documented based on statistical data collected from the National Oncologic Registry.

Results: In the Czech Republic, the number of patients operated for newly diagnosed malignant tumors is constantly increasing, e.g. over 44,000 patients in 2005. Considering tumor locations, various surgical specialists are involved in the surgical management of solid tumors.

Overall, during the studied period, surgeons were involved in 32,760 surgical procedures, i.e. 73.6 % of all newly diagnosed malignant solid tumors. Oncosurgical procedures are, to a certain extent, performed in all surgical clinics in the Czech Republic (currently, there are 157 surgical clinics in the Czech Republic).

The rates of procedures for individual diagnoses do not correspond with the "high volume hospital" principle. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the current situation in the management of solid tumors in the Czech Republic, the authors recommend rational concentration of oncosurgical procedures to fewer surgical clinics, adequate financing of sophisticated oncosurgical procedures in these clinics and classification of oncosurgery as a recognized official medical specialty.