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Memory of Doc. MUDr. Oldřich Šnobl, DrSc

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Unbelievable! Pan doc. MD.

Ulrich Šnobl, MD. 15th April 2008 in the full vigor respectable lives for 90 years. We still remember him as a slender, elegant gentleman always old school, quiet, polite and very humble demeanor, genuine noble radiology.

Confirmed bachelor had many admirers, but his greatest love was radio diagnostics. Founder Czech pediatric radiology, longtime chairman of the pediatric department of the Czechoslovak Radiological Society, radiodiagnostics excellent and compelling teacher, a great man and a true friend of all his colleagues.

First and Last pediatric radiologist, who was awarded the academic degree DSc. His scientific career could be much steeper if the regime he wanted more.

The precision of his descriptions of radiographic findings in Motol hospital was given as an example. His numerous professional publications were world class and always our priority.

Excellent and pedagogically perfect arrangement of monographs and textbooks pediatric radiology doc. Šnobl not what conventional radiology concerned with us yet overcome. Part of the scientific archive of X-ray images, built doc. Šnobl in Motol Hospital, is still used for teaching medical students second School of Medicine.

Dear appreciate for our pediatric radio-diagnostics have done much, we love you, we remember and thank you. In the coming years we wish you much happiness and good health.
