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Neuroendoscopic treatment of the bobble-head doll syndrome in suprasellar cysts: a case report

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine |


The authors present 4 case-reports of children with suprasellar cysts and bobble-head doll syndrome. Obstructive hydrocephalus developed in all the cases given, and severe transient visual disturbance arose in one case.

Neuroendoscopic ventriculocystostomy was chosen as a method of therapy in two cases, two other cases underwent neuroendoscopic ventriculocystocisternostomy. A cystoperitoneal shunt was made under neuroendoscopic control in one patient after performing ventriculocystostomy.

The therapy resulted in the cyst decompression in all the patients, clinical symptoms disappeared in 3 cases. Bobble-head doll syndrome is persisting in a boy with a four year delay in diagnosis and therapy.

Bobble-head doll syndrome in suprasellar cysts can be treated successfully using neuroendoscopic ventriculocystostomy or ventriculocystocisternostomy. Bobblehead doll syndrome as a rare syndromological entity is usually recognized with delay.