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Dificult diagnosis of intraabdominal cancer

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Second Faculty of Medicine |


Indroduction: Cystic adenocarcinoma belongs to rare malignancies of pancreas. Comparing to more often ductal adenocarcinoma it has much better prognosis.

Case study: We describe the case study of 49 years old patient, who was unsuccessfully investigated for weight loss, anemia, obstipation and abdominal pain more then 1,5 year. During investigation at our unit, critical stenosis of lieneal flexure was found; biopsy has not shown any maliagnancy.

The other finding was focal lesion of pancreatic tail. During the surgery there was found a large tumor of lineal flexure invading pancreas, spleen, stomach and jejunum.

Radical resection of the tumor was done, histology surprisingly established the final diagnosis of cystadenocarcinoma originating in pancreatic tail. Conclusion: Authors describe a rare case of pancreatic malignancy with atypical clinical symptoms.

Final diagnosis was established more then 1.5 year after first complaints of patient and it was based on surgical and histological findings in spite of the whole spectrum of imaging methods used previously.