Introduction: The electronic health record (EHR) is a computerized health information system where provider record detailed encounter information such as patient demographics, encounter summaries, medical history allergies, intolerances, and lab test histories [9]. The EHR will be used in future diagnostic and treatment decision making.
The decision is always taken by a physician or dentist. Medical documentation contains information about treatment, communication with insurance service system and statistical data evaluation.
The EHR may support and improve future diagnostics and therapy in general. The data can be used in statistics and other scientific purposes.
Aim: The aim of study is to verify the simplicity of data process implementation and time of data storing for modification of classical paper WHO dental card, lifetime dental EHR controlled by keyboard and lifetime dental EHR controlled by voice. Methods: All three methods were applied on 126 patients.
The dental status of patients was examined and the data recorded in classical way into the paper WHO dental card. The same person recorded all data to lifetime dental EHR using keyboard and using voice.
Then we compared the time, which was needed for recording the data using these three methods. Using Friedaman test we found very significant differences in time of recording among three methods (p<0.001).
We can see that the paper WHO dental card was recorded quickly, but its reuse due to missing electronic form is difficult. Times for recording data using keyboard or voice in lifetime dental EHR were not significantly different (Wilcoxon pair test for statistical comparison reached the value p=0.09).
Conclusion: The clinical practice demanded to find ways to eliminate the need to touch peri-pherals like keyboard, mouse and touch screen. Therefore the automatic speech recognition was added to enable dentist to use the software without a single touch.
This way we eliminated the need for computer operator and unnecessary hygienic procedures (washing hands, changing gloves etc.).