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Mechanical response of porous scaffolds for cartilage engineering

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Mechanical properties of scaffolds seeded with mesenchymal stem cells used for cartilage repair seem to be one of the critical factors in possible joint resurfacing. In this paper, the effect of adding hyaluronic acid, hydroxyapatite nanoparticles or chitosan nanofibers into the cross-linked collagen I on the mechanical response of the lyophilized porous scaffold has been investigated in the dry state at 37 degrees C under tensile loading.

Statistical significance of the results was evaluated using ANOVA analysis. The results showed that the addition of hyaluronic acid significantly (p << 0.05) reduced the tensile elastic modulus and enhanced the strength and deformation to failure of the modified cross-linked collagen I under the used test conditions.

On the other hand, addition of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and chitosan nanofibers, respectively, increased the elastic modulus of the modified collagen ten-fold and four-fold, respectively. Hydroxyapatite caused significant reduction in the ultimate deformation at break while chitosan nanofibers enhanced the ultimate deformation under tensile loading substantially (p << 0.05).

The ultimate tensile deformation was significantly (p << 0.05) increased by addition of the chitosan nanofibers. The enhanced elastic modulus of the scaffold was translated into enhanced resistance of the porous scaffolds against mechanical load compared to scaffolds based on cross-linked neat collagen or collagen with hyaluronic acid with similar porosity.

It can be concluded that enhancing the rigidity of the compact scaffold material by adding rigid chitosan nanofibers can improve the resistance of the porous scaffolds against compressive loading, which can provide more structural protection to the seeded mesenchymal stem cells when the construct is implanted into a lesion. Moreover, scaffolds with chitosan nanofibers seemed to enhance cell growth compared to the neat collagen I when tested in vitro as well as the scaffold stability, extending its resorption to more than 10 weeks.