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Motor correlates of models of secondary bilateral synchrony and multiple epileptic foci

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Bilateral synchronous epileptiform discharges registered in patients with partial epilepsies may be generated by different pathophysiological mechanisms. Differentiation between underlying mechanisms is often crucial for correct diagnosis and adequate treatment in clinical epileptology.

The aim of this study was to model in rats two possible mechanisms-secondary bilateral sychrony and interaction between multiple epilepic foci. Furthermore, to describe in detail semiology, laterality and differences in motor phenomena.

Secondary bilateral synchrony was modeled by unilateral topical application of bicuculline methiodide (BMI) over the sensorimotor cortex. Bilateral symmetric application of BMI was used as a mode of multiple epileptic foci.

Electrographic and behavioural phenomena were recorded for 1 h following the application of BMI. Electroencephalogram in both groups was characterized by presence of bilateral synchronous discharges.

Myoclonic and clonic seizures involving forelimb and head muscles represented the most common motor seizure pattern in both groups. Significant differences were found in the laterality of motor phenomena.

Motor seizures in unilateral foci always started in the contralateral limbs whereas symmetrical foci exhibited bilateral. independent onset of convulsions. Similar lateralization was observed in interictal motor phenomena (myoclonic jerks).

An important influence of posture on epileptic motor phenomena was demonstrated. Active or passive changes in animal posture (verticalization to bipedal posture) caused conversion from unilateral myoclonic jerks or clonic seizures to bilaterally synchronous (generalized) motor phenomena in both groups.