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Juvenile Angiofibroma of Nasopharynx (A Review of Experience over the Period of 1979-2003)

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Since the year 1979 till now we háve performed 54 operations on 31 boys suffering from angiofibroma juvenile nasopharyngis in ORL department for children, Charles University, 2n Medical School. The age range was 8 to 18 years.

No females occurred in our set. We prefer angiographic obliteration of the feeding vessels followed by surgical approach.

In the 23 primary-operated on patients in our department, one patient was operated on in two stages. We registered recurrent disease 7 times; 3 of them were irradiated by 45 Gy.

Eight patients received primary operations in other hospitals (lx-4x) and were operated on in our department 20 times (up to five operations), 3 of them were irradiated by 30-Í0 Gy. Most operations were performed via lateral rhinotomy approach.

We did not use chemotherapy. Irradiation appears to be an effective addition to extensive surgery in treating advanced juvenile angiofibroma.

Morbidity has been minimal. Residual changes are seen in subsequent imaging studies (NMR) but háve remained stable with long-term follow-up.