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The role of endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration biopsy in the differential diagnostic of focal pancreatic lesions

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Introduction: Accuracy of preoperative diagnosis of suspected pancreatic cancer considered for surgery is assesed and endoscopic ultrasonography with guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS with FNAB) for this purpose is used. Material and methods: Group of 52 patients useful candidates for surgery with focal lesion in the pancreatic head was assessed before surgery by several methods : endoscopic retrograde cholan-giopancreaticography (ERCP), computer tomography (CT) and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) and staging.

EUS with guided FNAB was provided. Cytology obtained via FNAB was compared with histopathologic results from surgical specimens - the "gold standard" in differentiation between pancreatic cancer and other lesions, especially in chronic pancreatitis.

Results: The most useful method for preoperative dioagnosis of pancreatic cancer looks according to our study the endoscopic ultrasonography with guided fine-needle aspiration, which sensitivity is 78%. Other imaging methods has lower sensitivity (CT 61%, ERCP 73%).

No serious complications was seen. Conclusion: According to these results the most reliable method in diagnosis and staging of pancreatic cancer looks the endoscopic ultrasonography with guided fine-needle aspiration which reached sensitivity about 78%.

Authors results are in correlation with previously published data.