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Time dimension of pain measured by visual analogue scale and verbal scale

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Basic attributes of pain are its sensory, affective and time dimensions. We define the time dimension as perceived ratio between time spent in pain and time without pain in given time period.

The standardization of the Czech version of the Pain Beliefs and Perception Inventory showed that scale Constancy (CONS) measures the time dimension of pain. We standardized the next measurement of the time dimension of pain, the Visual Analogue Scale VAS-T (100 mm abscissa inscribed LASTING OF PAIN, under left end of the abscissa is PAIN WAS NOT PRESENT, under right end is CONTONUALY LASTING. 203 patients of the Center for Pain Management and Research, Univ.

Hospital Motol, Prague (age M = 47.37; 11.57 years, duration of pain 10.38; 9.61 years, 66 male, 137 female) were tested by Visual Analogue Scales (Pain - Intensity, Pain - Unpleasant-ness), Short Form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (Pain Rating Index - Sensory, Pain rating Index - Affective), Pain Beliefs and Perception Inventory, Coping with Pain Questionnaire, Sate-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Anxiety Trait), Sate-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (Anger Trait), Beck Depression Inventory - Short Form (Depression), Activity 5 (Fatigue, Conflicts at Work, Fatigue, Conflicts at Home) and Pain Behavior Scale. Correlation VAS-T and CONS is 0.53.

Both VAS-T and CONS correlate significantly with Pain - Intensity, Pain - Unpleasantness, Pain Rating Index - Sensory, Pain rating Index - Affective, Resignation (Coping with Pain Questionnaire), Anxiety-Trait, Depression, Pain Behavior Scale and Age. Factor analysis (OBLIMIN), two factor solution, showed factor Sensory and Affective Dimensions, and factor Time Dimension.

Administration of the VAS-T is not time consuming, and useful for all pain specialists. Administration of VAS-T and CONS (Pain Beliefs and Perception Inventory) together can be suggested in psychological testing.