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Pancreatectoduodenectomy for Multiple Duodenal Diverticula.Case Report

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The authors present a case report of a 61-years old female with 12 month history of deteriorative chronic pain located in epigastrium and propagating to her back, tabescence and upper dyspeptic syndrome. The first grade oesophagitis and duodenogastric reflux were verified endoscopically.

There were adequate biliary tree as well as pancreatic duct and two high-volumed parapapillar diverticula and the third one in the region of D 3 depicted by ERCP and enteroclysis. Neither ultrasound nor computed tomography detected any pancreatic or hepatic pathology.

All the alternatives of internal medical treatment resulted in no effect. The surgical treatment lied in performance of pylorus-saving pancreatoduodenectomy (Traverso-Longmire).

Five months after operation the patient suffers from no ailments and prospers in general. The authors render an account of duodenal diverticula surgical treatment.