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Ischaemia of the large intestine following parallel kidney transplantation and the abdominal aortic aneurysm replacement using a fresh arterial graft implant

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


Fresh arterial grafts obtained during multi-organ excisions widen a spectrum of treatment possibilities for obliterating arterial disorders of low extremities or for the abdominal aortic aneurysm in patients waiting for organ transplantation. Between the year 1998 and the end of the year 2002, our work-team performed parallel reconstructions of the abdominal aorta using fresh grafts and cadaverous kidney transplantations in a group of five patients.

The simultaneous surgical treatment of the both disorders during a single hospitalization as well as a considerable decrease of the artificial blood vessel prosthesis infection risk during chronic imunosupression. represent the biggest advantage of this method. On the other hand, the risk of possible surgical complications is increased in these patients.

During the operation and postoperation period, our four patients sufferred from no serious complications. In case of one patient, ischemic colitis occurred which required surgical revision and subtotal colectomy.

In this article, the authors describe the postoperation course of the patient condition with the above complication, which required a close cooperation of surgeons, anesthesiologists and nephrologists, in full detail.