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Berger disease: glomerulonephritis caused by the deposition of IgA-containing immune complexes in glomeruli

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


IgA nephropathy was described in 1968 by Jean Berger. Thus, "young" primary glomerulonephritis is important.

At that time, it was considered a benign disease. Most patients presented with micro- or macroscopic erythrocyturia with normal or only slightly reduced renal function.

The development of IgAN in the original Berger group of patients was re-evaluated after 25 years with surprising conclusions. It turned out that in 30% of patients the urinary finding disappeared, persisted in 33% with preserved renal function, but 38% of patients with chronic irreversible renal disorders.

It is now known that IgAN is also a primary primary glomerulonephritis with a severe prognosis.