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Current position of the hepatic catheter port-catheter in the damage of liver metastases KR - Ca

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Introduction: Resection of metastatic Kr-Ca foci is the only rational alternative for the treatment of liver metastases. Recommended procedures for the treatment of liver metastases of colorectal cancer according to various stages of the disease are proposed.

However, a group of patients who cannot undergo resection treatment remains a constant problem, intra-arterial chemotherapy is one of the therapeutic procedures of the so-called multimodal treatment, which can extend the life expectancy of these patients in certain circumstances. Methods: In the years 1998 - 2006, we indicated in our department for implantation of the intraarterial port into the hepatic artery a total of 71 patients with liver metastases KR - Ca.

The whole group can be divided into 3 groups according to the indications for palliative care, multimodal treatment and additional treatment of resections. Part of the perioperative examination was an estimate of metastatic liver disease, which was then a guide for further surgical tactics.

Results: In a group of 195 patients, we performed a total of 71 implants of the hepatic catheter. In 23 patients as monotherapy, when both liver lobes are affected, ablation and resection treatment are excluded.

In 22 patients as part of multimodal treatment in addition to ablation methods and R1 resections. In 26 patients with R0 resections as prevention of micrometastasis.

In the following, we monitored the functionality of the port and the complications associated with HAIC. Conclusion: The portateter and HAIC have their place in the multimodal concept of treatment of liver metastases KR - Ca, but there are strict indications, this method should deal with workplaces capable of surgical and oncological technical problems in implantation and the actual course of HAIC, including toxic complications.