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Tretment of diabetes mellitus of type 2 with peroral antzidiabetic drugs. Part II. Metformin

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Of the three previously known and used biguanide derivatives (phenformin, buformin, metformin) is currently recommended - as the only safe preparation in the treatment of type 2 diabetics - only metformin. The first widespread derivative of biguanides - phenformin, was responsible for several fatal complications in the development of lactic acidosis, documented in the world literature.

In the US, and gradually in other countries, phenformin has therefore been banned from use. The second biguanide derivative - buformin, was available on the market in only a few countries (mainly European) and due to the risk of lactic acidosis and lactic acidosis, it was also gradually phased out for use in type 2 diabetics.