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Overview of the results of renal tranplantation in the Czech Republic

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Renal (kidney) transplantation is now a routine and the most successful form of renal replacement therapy. There is a long tradition of renal transplantation in the Czech Republic, The first was performed as early as 1961 in Hradec Kralove, and the programme as such was launched in 1966 with the first successful transplantation at the Institute of Experimental Surgery (later Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague).

At present, transplantations are being performed at 7 transplantation centres (IKEM Prague, Centre for Cardiovascular and Transplantation Surgery Brno, Faculty Hospitals Hradec Kralove, Plzen, Olomouc and Ostrava and Faculty Hospital Motol for children). From the programme launch until the end of 2010, 8 761 renal transplantations were performed, 364 in 2010 alone.

One-year patient and cadaver renal allograft survival, transplanted in the CR between 2000 and 2009, is around 95% and 92%, respectively, and 5-year survival is 87% and 81%, respectively. As of 31st December 2009, a total of 3 771 patients lived with functional renal allograft in the Czech Republic and the proportion of patients with irreversible renal failure treated with transplantation has recently been around 40%.