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The robotic revolution in gynecological surgery?

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After the timid beginnings in the 1970s and the distrust of older surgeons in particular, endoscopy gradually expanded in a number of surgical fields in the 1980s. In our gynecological surgical treatment, the 1980s meant the rapid development and gradual use of minimally invasive surgery in almost all gynecological departments.

Gradual progress and improvement of instruments, coagulation systems and optics expanded the range of indications, including oncogynecological surgical treatment. At the turn of the millennium, the first da Vinci robotic operating system, developed in collaboration with NASA, was released for clinical practice.

In 2005, this system was approved by the US FDA for use in gynecological surgery. Co-author of the article prof.

Magrina is one of the recognized surgeons among gynecologists and oncogynecologists, mastering both laparotomy surgery and laparoscopy. He participates in the development of instruments in Intuitive Surgical and his presentation of both laparoscopic and now robotic performances is one of the highlights of what can be seen in our field.