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Surgical Radicalism in the Complex Treatment of Hepatoblastoma

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Second Faculty of Medicine |


Background. Evaluation of treatment results in children with hepatoblastoma - a retrospective study of clinical and pathological data of surgically treated children.

Methods and Results. At the clinic of authors, 28 children were operated for hepatoblastoma during 1991 to 2002.

Average age of patients was 2.2 years. When tumors were classified according to PRETEX system, 3 children were in the stadium I, 12 children in stadium II, 12 children in stadium III, and one child in the stadiumIV.

At the diagnosis, lung metastases were found in 3 children. Till 1996 the treatment was initiated by a primary operation, since 1996 by a preoperative chemotherapy.

Chemotherapywas administered according to the SIOP protocols. Primary operation was done in 13 children, 15 children were operated after the pre-operation chemotherapy.

Liver resection included right-sided lobectomy in 7 cases, extended right-sided lobectomy in 4 cases, left-sided lobectomy in 8 cases, right-sided trisegmentectomy in 5 cases, left-sided trisegmentectomy in 3 cases. In our studied group the three years of event free survival was achieved in 75%, overall survival in 86%.

Four children died, two of them because of the progression of the disease, two for the complication during the therapy. Conclusions.

Combination of the radical surgical resection with preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy enables successful treatment of the childhood hepatoblastoma.