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Possibilities and indications of orthopedic treatment in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is a genetically determined hereditary peripheral neuropathy with infliction of the peripheral nerves and manifestations of paresis of the muscles of the lower and upper extremities. With the increasing age of the patients deformities of the foot and the hand occur.

The course of the disease is quite variable, the clinical picture wavers even within one family from asymptomatic up to heavily disabled individuals. The diagnostics is neurological (electrodiagnostics), molecular-genetic (analysis of DNA) and clinical.

The causal therapy of CMT is not known. The symptomatic treatment is a combination of medicamentous therapy, rehabilitation, supportive prosthetic care and surgical solution dependant on the burden and the prognosis of the infliction and the subjective problems of the patient.

A multidisciplinary and individual approach to the patient is important.