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DNA and histone deacetylases as targets for neuroblastoma treatment

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Neuroblastoma is the most frequent solid extra cranial tumor in children and is a major cause of death from neoplasia in infancy. Hypoxia frequently occurs in tumors and cause chemoresistance, therefore the effects of hypoxia on efficiencies and mechanisms of actions of cytostatics are also investigated.

Since the epigenetic structure of DNA and its lesions play a role in the origin of neuroblastomas, pharmaceutical manipulation of the epigenome may offer other treatment options also for neuroblastomas. Therefore, the effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors on growth of neuroblastoma and combination of these compounds with doxorubicin, cis-platin, etoposide and ellipticine as well as mechanisms of such effects in human neuroblastona cell lines in vitro are also investigated.