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Multiple myeloma - the treatment of osteolytic lesions in long bones

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine |


A multiple myeloma (MM) manifested on the skeleton poses a risk of pathological fractures for the concerned patient. The most frequent clinical manifestation of progressing tumour-cell infiltration into the bone marrow is pain in the region of the affected bone tissue.

Other symptoms are associated with kidney function disorder and the inhibition of haematopoiesis. The diagnostics section of the article explains the yield of individual methods for the determination of the correct diagnosis, explorative biopsy being of crucial significance.

The highly manifold symptomatology requires a complex approach of the doctor to the patient, assessment of the total as well as local findings, of the risks associated with subsequent intervention procedures and potential complications related thereto. Mirel's score, describing the possible risk of pathological fractures, serves also as an indicative and therapeutic guideline.

In addition to radiotherapy, an early surgery may successfully prevent a break in bone continuity where a risk of pathological fracture exists. In the section on treatment, the authors describe the timing of individual therapeutic methods with a view to the objective finding on the skeleton.

In terms of the surgical treatment proper, the choice of a suitable type of the surgical procedure and a suitable implant is important in respect of the survival prognosis, the primary objective being the elimination of pain and improved function of the involved extremity, which may improve the quality of life of the patient.