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Intestinal nephritis

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Few medical disciplines have seen such a dynamic development of clinical nephrology lately. Thanks to the new technology, the need for highly qualified treatment of chronic kidney failure by dialysis techniques has been fully covered and the number of transplanted patients has increased significantly.

At the same time, however, the number of patients with diabetic and ischemic malformation is rapidly increasing. Research in the area of molecular-genetic analyzes of renal diseases and algorithms for the treatment of renal hypertension, anemia, bone diseases, etc. are being developed.

A team of 35 authors from the 22 leading centers of the Czech Republic reviewed the most recent findings of clinical nephrology including diagnostics. The book is intended for nephrology, internists of pediatrics, urologists and general practitioners. (Completely revised and completed edition of the publication whose first edition in our Publishing House in 1998 received several awards - among others, the Czech Nephrology Society Award.)