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Expression of PAX2 and PAX8 genes in conventional type of renal carcinoma and their role in the tumor prognosis

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Background. Sporadic renal cell carcinoma is one of the most common kidney malignancies in adults (85%).

According to the IARC (The International Agency of Research on Cancer) Czech Republic has the first world position in the incidence and mortality for RCC. The prognosis of RCC is very poor because of high mortality around 70 to 50% and unpredictable progression after tumor removal.

More precise molecular prognostic markers are required. Genes PAX2 and PAX8 control cell division during embryonic development and plays crucial role in tumor development because of stimulation of cell proliferation and/or inhibition of apoptotic program.

Methods and Results. Our RCC sample collection contains 64 tumor samples and 10 "normal" renal samples extracted from the affected kidney. mRNA was isolated from all samples and converted into cDNA.

Expression of PAX genes was analyzed by using relative quantification real-time PCR with TaqMan labelled probe and GAPDH gene as an endogenous control. Conclusions.

Expression of PAX2 gene was found in 97% and expression of PAX8 gene was found in 89% of analyzed tumor samples. The expression of both target genes was found in all "normal" renal samples.

The level of expression of both PAX genes was very variable with the range from hundred times lower to forty times higher in comparison with the expression of chosen endogenous control. There were found no correlations between the expression of target genes and clinical-histological markers.

These results do not have prognostic value yet because of short duration of patient observation. Follow-up clinical data are essential for completion of this research.