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Medullarythyroidcarcinoma - diagnostic a therapeutic alternative

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Medullarythyroidcarcinoma (MTC) accountsfor 8-10 % of allthyroidcancers. MTC ismainlysporadic, but anhereditarypattern (multipleendocrineneoplasia type 2 (MEN 2)) ispresent in 25-30 % of cases, as anautosomal-dominant traitdue to germlinemutations of the RET proto-oncogene.

Theprimarytreatment of bothhereditary and sporadicforms of MTC istotalthyroidectomy and removal of allneoplastictissuepresent. Aftersurgery, measurements of serumcalcitonin as a tumourmarkerand carcinoembryonic antigen are markers in thepostsurgicalfollow-up of patientswith MTC as theyreflectthe presence of persistentorrecurrentdisease.

Completeremissionisdemonstrated by undetectable and stimulatedserumcalcitoninmeasurement. In patiens withelevatedbasalcalcitoninorafterstimulation are performedimagingmethods (ultrasound of theneck, CT, scintigraphy, PET/CT).Metastasesoutsidetheneckmayoccur in the liver, lungs, bones and, lessfrequently, brain.

Surgeryisthemaintreatmentforlocal and distantmetastaseswheneverfeasible. In generalisation of dinase are performedtheraphywith131I-MIBG in somecases.

Systemicchemotherapyhas very limited efficacyorduration. Familialcasesmustbeidentified by searchingfor RET proto-oncogenemutations in the proband and in familymembers.