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Amelanotic and Acrolentiginous Melanoma

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The case study describes a 67-year-old patient with two primary melanomas on the back and on the lateral side of the left foot, histopathologically diagnosed as amelanotic and acrolentiginous type, respectively. The second lesion was diagnosed during follow-up seven months after excision of the first tumor.

Family history of melanoma was negative and no multiple atypical nevi were present in this patient. Incidence of multiple melanoma ranges from 0.5 to 5.5 % or 1.3 to 8% in different reviews.

The risk factors include positive family history, multiple dysplastic nevi, increasing Breslow depth of invasion of the first melanoma, male sex, another tumor in personál history. Number of reviews deal with the contribution of follow-up in melanoma patients, follow-up frequency and extensity of examination.

Some authors proved that due to follow-up the second melanoma is detected in earlier stages and thus with better prognosis.