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Premature newborn

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A newborn born before completed 37th week of pregnancy is premature. In most cases, its birth weight is less than 2500 g.

The situation is similar in other countries of the Central European region. Premature newborns are burdened with higher mortality and morbidity against premature babies, which can lead to disturbances in their long-term development.

The incidence and severity of problems associated with prematurity decreases with increasing gestational age and increasing birth weight. Newborns born at the viability limit, ie between 23-24.

They are at risk of severe structural and functional immaturity of all organs and tissues. Their mortality and late morbidity are high (up to 90%).

On the contrary, newborns born after 32 weeks of pregnancy have a very good prognosis in terms of survival and long-term development at the current level of perinatal and neonatal care. Infections, cerebral morbidity (CNS haemorrhage, leukomalacia) and respiratory problems (IRDS, pneumonia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia - BPD) are the main factors determining the prognosis of very immature newborns (below 30-32 weeks of gestation).