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The man is not a puppet: some actual questions for historical anthropological perspective on historical research

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


This article is not the critic of modern historical anthropology. It is only describing some of the actual questions for historical anthropological perspective on historical research.

Historical anthropology was created from the custom of dialogue between anthropology and history, as just an attempt to "save" the historical individuality in the human past. There is no general opinion about the object of historical-anthropological research between the anthropologists among the historians or the historian among the anthropologists.

However, historical anthropology still has various problems, which lead to macro perspective paradigm. Quality, rather than quantity, of the source material gives historical anthropologists the possibility to draw their knowledge about the individual experiences of others, to work productively with the historical sources and records, and to make valuable judgments in drawing any kind of non-subjective and non-deductive inference.