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Evolution of Contact Sensitivity to The European Standard Series Allergens in the Czech Republic

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine |


In 17 dermato-allergology departments in the Czech Republic 56 147 patients with eczema (17 645 males a 38 502 females) were examined using European Standard Series (ESS) during the period 1995-2012. The most frequent sensitizers were: nickel in 15,90 % of patients (females 20,7 %, males 5,66 %), then cobalt in 7,15 % (females 8,20 %, males 4,85 %), balsam of Peru in 6,53 %, fragrance-mix in 5,45 %, fragrance-mix II in 2,69 %, colophonium in 2,55 %, formaldehyde in 2,48 %, paraphenylenediamine in 2,40 %, lanolin alcohol in 2,39 %, Kathon CG in 2,33 % of patients, in other ESS allergens the number of patients sensitized was lower than 2 %.

In a nine-year period 2004-2012 sensitivity to metals and plastic materials increased and sensitivity to epoxy resin chemicals, fragrances, natural substances and pharmaceutical components decreased.