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Social gerontology. The basis for health policy and health promotion in old age

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


The publication picks up the thread of a monograph called Social Gerontology. The work represents an introduction to the topic and does not cover every subject.

It does, however, present some solutions, suggestions and possible conclusions. Furthermore, it gives the reader space for thoughts on socio-political context of aging of society.

The authors focus on health support and a holistic approach to health in the process of aging. The reader will get acquainted with the most important findings and practical data in the field of social, health, information and financial literacy with impact on prevention and support of health at an advanced age.

Both expert and lay reader public will find information and advice based on the need for general knowledge of each citizen about health. The work also reflects current scientific findings and trends for the future development of health and social welfare.

Besides, the authors deal with the meaning and meaningfulness of human existence, economic consequences of aging, the art of planning one's life and above all the support of health. The aim of the monograph is increasing the readiness of both medical or social workers and citizens for advanced age with emphasis on the area of health, lifestyle, social security, financial independece, leisure activities and computer skills.

Individual chapters bring fundamental pieces of knowledge to these topics because both the medical and social system requires up to date information in a wider context of life in advanced age. The tone is set to encourage towards active and healthy aging.

The publication conveys elementary knowledge and practical information for those who wish to age in good health.