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Optimal process for searching for adult unrelated volunteer donors in unrelated donor registries

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Second Faculty of Medicine |


Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) from unrelated adult donors is currently the standard and in many cases the only curative treatment option for a wide range of malignant and non-malignant haematological diseases. In the Czech Republic, it involves approximately 70-80% of patients indicated for allogeneic HSCT who do not have a related donor.

The demand for unrelated donors has risen over the last decade and it is likely that a similar trend will continue. Longer time from diagnosis to transplantation appears to be a significant adverse negative factor affecting the outcome of unrelated HSCT.

The provision of unrelated donors has been identified as a key source of delay. The article defines and analyses all the major causes that delay unrelated HSCT.

It also aims to establish recommendations how to eliminate or minimize these factors. On the basis of these recommendations, the unrelated donor search process should be optimized both in medical and economic terms.

The recommendations are based primarily on current international practice and recommendations of the WMDA (World Marrow Donor Association) and also take into account current practices and specificities of the transplant program in our country.