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Parents - unexpected partners

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences |


How to foster partner dialog between school and parents Communication between school and family is a very current and popular topic nowadays. Cooperation between school and family is one of pillars of inclusive education, community school and indicator of quality of education.

Previews investigation has been made in Variants (Lábusová a kol., 2012) on the topic of cooperation of school and family, concerning families endangered by social exclusion. In this publication we focused on common barriers of communication between parents and schools and the possibilities how to tackle them.

Three main principals of cooperation are introduced - partnership in education, regular and transparent communication and parent involvement. We present concrete means of open cooperation between schools and parents.

We show which factors are important for communication. In addition to that to take in account in communication, we present the topis of rules, change in social values and school culture and short insight in teachers psychohygiene.

This book was created in Project Ententýky funded by Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. Felcmanová , A., Čáp.

D, Titěrová K., Vávrová P. (2013) Rodiče - nečekaní spojenci. Jak rozvíjet partnerský dialog mezi školou a rodinou.

Vydal Člověk v tísni, vzdělávací program Varianty. Praha.