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Bread and "Games" in Contemporary Foodscapes/ Chléb a hry v oblasti současného stravování

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Abstract Roman satyrical poet Juvenal had written that: 'Everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses (panem et circenses)' (Juvenal, Satires 10.81). Nowadays, Juvenal's statement is still useful for understanding certain trends in contemporary consumerist food politics in a sense that the "bread" represents the overfilled shelves of supermarkets and "games" the valorisation of entertainment.

Precisely these conditions open up a space for spreading of a qualitatively different relationship between an individual, society and the "daily bread". In many world's regions private agricultural growth by traditional means has been diminishing, whereas the amount of industrially produced food obtained through shopping is on the rise.

The shift towards the model of "more economically developed country" (MEDC) inevitably has lead to the industrialisation and mechanisation of agriculture that employs about 2% of country's population. Not only this results in the loss of traditional knowledge, but as I suggest in this presentation contemporary food politics that is put into motion by capitalism can be analysed as a site of Foucaultian "bio-power" (Dreyfus and Rabinow, 1982).