The outcome is represented by the pair of maps. The first brings results of the cartometric analysis represented by the best-fit parameters of the determined map projection, together with the graticule reconstruction.
The map contains a superimposition of the current and old state of the administrativ arrangement, and famous geographic or cartographic mistakes. The second part of map illustrates the positional accuracy of the Vogt map, reconstructed in the estimated map projection, represented by the controur lines with the step of 2.5km.
The most important discrepancies were found in East Bohemia, this part of the map was probably taken from his predecessors. Part of the output is accompanying report containing the result targets, maps description, a description of methods (morphographic character analysis, analysis of names, geographical, historical, geometrical and erroneously delineated elements) and further use of the result, a bibliography and a list of publications that preceded outcome.