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Automatic Evaluation of Articulatory Disorders in Parkinson's Disease

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Although articulatory deficits represent an important manifestation of dysarthria in Parkinson's disease (PD), the most widely used methods currently available for the automatic evaluation of speech performance are focused on the assessment of dysphonia. The aim of the present study was to design a reliable automatic approach for the precise estimation of articulatory deficits in PD.

Twenty-four individuals diagnosed with de novo PD and twenty-two age-matched healthy controls were recruited. Each participant performed diadochokinetic tasks based upon the fast repetition of /pa/-/ta/-/ka/ syllables.

All phonemes were manually labeled and an algorithm for their automatic detection was designed. Subsequently, 13 features describing six different articulatory aspects of speech including vowel quality, coordination of laryngeal and supralaryngeal activity, precision of consonant articulation, tongue movement, occlusion weakening, and speech timing were analyzed.

In addition, a classification experiment using a support vector machine based on articulatory features was proposed to differentiate between PD patients and healthy controls. The proposed detection algorithm reached approximately 80% accuracy for a 5 ms threshold of absolute difference between manually labeled references and automatically detected positions.

When compared to controls, PD patients showed impaired articulatory performance in all investigated speech dimensions (p < 0.05). Moreover, using the six features representing different aspects of articulation, the best overall classification result attained a success rate of 88% in separating PD from controls.

Imprecise consonant articulation was found to be the most powerful indicator of PD-related dysarthria. We envisage our approach as the first step towards development of acoustic methods allowing the automated assessment of articulatory features in dysarthrias.