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Problem solving: The different characteristicS of the prosocial behavior and solving of some logical tasks

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the some rules.

The Tower of Hanoi task and related tower-based tasks play an important role in the assessment of frontal lobe function. A number of studies have demonstrated that with respect to this test, performance is impaired among patients with frontal lobe lesions.

Disk-transfer tree-dimensional tasks, as represented by the Tower of Hanoi, have become popular instruments in neuropsychology as putative measures of executive functions such as working memory, planning, problem solving and so on. It can be used to practice strategies to solve a problems and solutions practice.

The kind of solution of the problem is helping to a person in emergency, where is more frequently applicable naturalistic decision making. The paper describes the differences in decision making in various types of problematic situations.