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Source apportionment of fine (PM0.15-1.15) and coarse (PM1.15-10) aerosol in Mladá Boleslav in winter 2013

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The bilinear receptor model Positive Matrix Factorization - PMF was used to apportion sources of fine (PM0.15-1.15) and coarse (PM1.15-10) aerosol in residential district of Mladá Boleslav. The PMF analyzed datamatrix of hourly values of mass and aerosol elemental composition for 27 elements for fine and coarse aerosol and OC/EC for fine aerosol.

The sampling campaign was conducted from 14 to 27.2. 2013 at a single site. Also, the parallel small-scale network measurement of PM10 was conducted and assured representativeness of the datasets recorded at the site.

The PMF was optimized for four factors for fine and three for coarse aerosol. They were: - combustion of biomass (49%) and fossil fuels (34 %), traffic (16 %) and industry (1 %) for fine aerosol and combustion of biomass and coal (80 %), road dust resuspension (14 %) and abrasion (6 %) for coarse aerosol.

Nevertheless, high correlation between temporal variation of combustion sources and concentrations of levoglukosan, mannosan and picene, tracers of biomass/coal combustion, confirmed source apportionment of fine aerosol particles.